I haven't seen Avatar, and probably won't till it works it's way onto my Netflix queue a year from now. The hype surrounding the stunning animation failed to draw me into a theater (due partly in fact to the reality that the nearest I-Max theater is over an hour away) but the story, at first blush didn't seem all that appealing either. However, as the reviews began to delve deeper into the storyline, and informed movie-viewers started to draw parallels to Kevin Costner's Dances With Wolves , one begins to wonder... Did James Cameron just produce the box-office record setting film that is effectively a storyline that describes the historical realities of the American West? In reading several analysis pieces, MTV provides one of the more telling analyses. Following, a piece from 4 January, 2010 -- found in full at the MTV website . 'Avatar' And 'Dances With Wolves': How Similar Are They? We break down the similarities between the epic movies. By Eric D...
A report from KELO-TV in Rapid City shines a light on the ongoing issues of Whiteclay, and the latest efforts to bring change to the area. See the original story, posted online, here .
I think I've finally settled in, caught up with myself, and started to process being back -- three weeks later. It seems like it has been longer, actually. The familarity of my surroundings: seeing the same people at Bats from last summer, working in the same communities, and getting back into the routine at Re-Member. This season, I've taken on a number of new roles with the organization, allowing me to be more closely involved with the day-to-day and long-term operations. I am also coordinating our Program Manager staff, consisting of former volunteers who elect to come back with us for anywhere from three to eight-plus weeks as staff. It is both a challenge, and an opportunity to coordinate this program, as I was in that role last year. Spending more time in the office does have certain drawbacks, the greatest of which is spending less time out in the communities. I have certainly found myself missing the amount of interaction that comes with being in homes every day. With b...
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